GMO-Free Compliance
Since 2008, California Family Foods (CFF) has supported the California Rice Commission's initiatives to keep California rice Liberty Link GMO-free.
Procedures were put in place to protect the California Rice Industry against Liberty Link GMO contamination. The California Rice Industry has come together to work on solutions, procedures and protocols to protect California inventories from the inadvertent contamination of our stocks. The California Rice Commission (CRC) has undertaken an effort to modernize its GMO policy in light of the Liberty Link GMO contamination events in the South. The regulatory Advisory Committee, formed through the passage of the California Rice Certification Act of 2000 (AB 2622), has undertaken steps to protect the industry through comprehensive agronomic and handling protocols to insure separation of research plots from commercial production regions and the testing of all seed from the Liberty Link GMO with CRC assistance and financial support.
You may also be interested in viewing documentation regarding the California Rice Commission’s rice testing results:
California Rice, Rice Seed Sampling and Testing page results
Genetically Engineered Rice (GMO)
For the 2017 crop, the procedures set in place in 2007–2008 to protect the California Rice Industry against GMO contamination will remain the same. The California Rice Industry has come together to work on solutions, procedures and protocols to protect California inventories from the inadvertent contamination of our stocks. The California Rice Commission (CRC) has undertaken an effort to modernize its GMO policy in light of the GMO contamination events in the South. The regulatory Advisory Committee, formed through the passage of the California Rice Certification Act of 2000 (AB 2622), has undertaken steps to protect the industry through tough and thorough agronomic and handling protocols to insure separation of research plots from commercial production regions and the testing of all seed from the Liberty Link GMO with CRC assistance and financial support.

The California Rice Commission serves the state's rice industry under the overview of the California Secretary of Agriculture. This includes the areas of testing and verification for GMO-Free compliance. Visit the California Rice Commission website to learn more about the organization and its mission.